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5 W's and H Questions for Killer Content

5 W’s and H Questions for Killer Content

Creating content on a daily basis can give you a bumpy ride from time to time. When you constantly craft content, you may face a lack of inspiration, a decrease in content quality, or even burnout. As content plays an essential role in marketing and SEO strategies, finding ways to keep it fresh is mandatory. Besides detailed research and analysis, professional content requires a broad knowledge of a specific topic. So, to succeed as a content writer, you need not only great talent and immaculate writing skills, but also a professional approach that will keep your standards high. Thanks to a famous writing technique called “the 5 W’s and the H” you can make sure your upcoming article will meet readers’ needs and deliver authentic, superior quality. Before you dive deep into the subject, ask, and answer the following questions – Who? What? When? Where? Why? And How? This will help you structure your texts better and make the most of each topic. Also, don’t forget to try cutting-edge WordPress tools for writers that will transform your writing experience. Now, let’s take a closer look at 5 W’s and H questions that bring the results.

5 W’s and the H – Any Writer Should Ask

Before you start working on your new article, take a few moments and create an outline. Thanks to it you will be able to cover the most crucial points professionally. Here are essential reporter questions you should ask.


This is the first and most important question. The type of your reading audience will determine your tone of voice, writing style, and article structure. When you know who will benefit from your text, who will directly be affected, or who will be ready to search for the product/service you’re reviewing, you can be sure you’re on the right road. If you answer this question with success, your content will surely shine from start to finish. Also, when you know your audience, you can easily promote your content so it grows sales and converts.


After you have determined your target audience, it’s time to define what your topic involves and what might be influenced by your topic. By knowing what sort of writing style to use and what the key messages are, you can collect information and analyze resources in more depth.


Another set of questions you should be asking starts with WHEN. Whether you are announcing upcoming events or write about new products, it’s important to inform readers when this will take place. This will allow your readers to plan their actions and prepare for launch. For instance, if your company plans to offer new plugin functionalities or to upgrade WordPress tools, this info is of a significant difference.


This question logically comes next. No matter what topic you cover, it’s important to define where a specific event takes place or where your customers can purchase a specific product. For instance, WordPress users will be happy to hear where they can download free images, fonts or plugins. Also, knowing where your article will be published is a game-changer. Depending on a website type, you can adapt your writing style or a text length.


Last but not least, there is HOW. Before you start writing ask yourself how your topic works and how your target audience will be influenced. Some articles gradually analyze products while others offer solutions right there in the beginning. Don’t forget to define how your content will be promoted which is essential for reaching new readers.

Let’s Sum Up

5 W’s and H questions are a golden standard every reporter and content creator shouldn’t skip. When you answer these questions in advance, you will be able to prepare for the writing process professionally. Also, you won’t miss important information and leave readers empty-handed. Finally, by using 5 W’s and H questions you will be able to get inspired faster since brainstorming always pays off. Just choose a blog template that works for your niche and start growing your reading audience. Good luck!

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