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How Long Does It Take to Create a Website With WordPress

How Long Does It Take to Create a Website With WordPress

We live in a modern age. Thus, we live online. As we live faster and faster, we want to finish everything with one click. From our jobs to our hobbies, everything is now done online. For instance, if you want to share your crafts with other people, social media can help you create your brand with ease. Besides online media, WordPress plays an important role in building a business online. Millions of people use this CMS globally. However, there are still many who don’t use its full potential. The reason for WordPress popularity is its minimal cost. So, even if you realize you don’t need a WordPress website, it’s ok – you won’t lose any money or significant time.

Without further ado, let’s take a closer look at the subject and answer a question “how long does it take to create a website with WordPress”. Have in mind that this article analyzes the timeframe for building a WordPress website with a WordPress theme and plugins. In other words, we won’t talk about an average time for WordPress theme development.

In this text we will answer the question “How long does it take to create a website with WordPress”, and you will learn more about:

Defining the Website’s Goals & Direction – up to 7 Days

This is the crucial step for your website as it sums up the reason for its existence. As your website goals influence the theme selection, make sure you define them in detail. This will help you find the perfect theme for your niche so you won’t spend additional time searching for the solution if your business requires additional functionality. Let’s suppose you want to start a blog. We can agree that almost any theme can be used for this purpose, so your focus should be its design. But, depending on your content type, design can vary. In other words, you can share the plain texts only, combine texts with images, or tell your stories through videos. As you see, there are many possibilities (we mentioned 3). Thus, you should carefully plan your next steps based on your content. You can spend as much time as you need to do this properly. We advise you to take enough time and don’t rush with decisions. In our opinion, 7 days is just enough for setting website goals and defining its purpose but it’s up to you will you spend one or many more days on this.

Theme Selection – Around 10 Days

Choosing the perfect theme is hard. This is why it requires a lot of time. If you have defined your website’s purpose and goals, choosing the theme won’t be a problem. Especially with so many websites where you can buy WordPress themes. However, a huge number of themes sometimes can make your decision harder. Luckily, there are many simple tips for choosing WordPress theme with ease.

When you’re choosing a theme you should pay attention to many things. Besides design, you should carefully analyze the features one theme offers. Also, have in mind that your site won’t be identical to the theme you’re considering. This is why most people get disappointed after their purchase and buy a website. Why? Well, the main reason for this in the images you will have to change. Most of the themes are crafted with attention to every detail, so each image is carefully chosen and even edited by design experts. So, besides design that is the core of every theme, you should have in mind its functionalities that allow you to showcase your offer and products.

Let’s take a shop website and its single product page as an example.

Amazon example

As you can see, everything on this page is well-organized and shown in one place, so buyers can easily find the info they need before making a purchase. This can be a game-changer for your business since your customers need precise information right there on your site.

Before you choose a theme, pay attention to these things – every detail from a single product page to page gallery, contact forms, footer, or menu matters. Besides the theme, WordPress site often needs specific plugins. In an ideal scenario, you will choose a theme that doesn’t require a lot of plugins. But, in case you need additional add-ons, you will be happy to hear that you can combine your theme with tons of plugins depending on your needs.

Choosing an ideal theme takes time, but it’s up to you how much time you plan to spend on this step. In our opinion, 10 days is just enough. The more you look and the more themes steal your attention, it will be harder to make a decision. Anyway, if you need any sort of help with this step, feel free to leave a comment and we will gladly suggest the best theme for your business.

Choosing Hosting and Domain Name – up to 3 Days

This step comes after the theme selection for a reason. Yes, it’s equally important as choosing the perfect theme, but in our opinion, it should be done after you choose your website’s look and feel.

Hosting is a place for storing all the images, texts, or your website data in general, including your theme and plugins. Everything related to your site posted online is placed on your hosting server. That’s why it’s important to find the best WordPress hosting following your budget. In a nutshell, hosting providers allow you to use hosted or stored servers.

Most often, your hosting provider will offer you to buy a domain name. Also, you can buy it on the websites specialized for this. If you don’t know what the domain name is, it’s the address of your site. Our is www.wpklik.com.

It’s hard to precisely say how much time you need to decide on your website’s domain name. Most people have it ready before everything else. However, let’s say that the average person needs around 3 days to find the perfect domain name. Finally, hosting providers offer different pricing packages so you can find the one that meets your budget.

Theme Installation and Customization – 1 Day

This can be done very fast. In case you’re doing this for the first time, have a look at “how-to” videos and tutorials that will help you do it with ease. Plus, the majority of premium themes have detailed documentation with instructions and a support team ready to assist you. Take one day and go through the theme options, and WordPress admin, especially if all of this is totally new to you. The more you get familiar with this platform, the easier it will be to create a website. Also, the page builder you plan to use determines the time for website building. Once you learn how to use it, you will be able to create any website element.

How Long Does It Take to Create Homepage and Supporting Pages – from 1 to 7 Days

The homepage is the first page people see after they enter your website. For this reason, you should pay attention to every detail. Basically, after you purchase a theme, you start choosing the elements it offers in order to create a new, unique website. This requires a little time since it’s hard to know at first which combination works the best for your online presentation. Start by creating a homepage since it is an easier way. Or select the existing theme demo (template) and customize it by changing images and text.

The rest of the pages (About us, Contact us, etc), require less time – they are not so important and contain less information and content.

If you have a clear image of what you want to achieve and have some WordPress knowledge, you can do all of this in one day. On the other hand, if you’re starting from scratch, 7 days would be enough for the basic pages.

How Much Time You Need for Uploading Content

Content uploading isn’t a one time gig. It’s something you do every day. Your content can be everything from a blog post, product page, or a portfolio showcase. The best part is you can create one page with a form that works for you, and copy it/change its content with ease.

To create a template you want to copy and use in the future, you need one day. After that, everything depends on your dynamics and needs.

SEO Optimization

Search engine optimization starts right after you enter the first content on your website. It can be an image, text, or something else. If you’re not an SEO expert, we recommend you start with basic SEO tips and do what’s in your power for a better ranking.

Everything you add should be optimized. There are different plugins that can help you with SEO. Plus, they are super easy to install and use. Even if you know nothing about SEO optimization, when you start step by step, you can learn everything. Just follow the latest news and trends and keep learning. As SEO optimization helps you rank better on Google, it leads to more website traffic. So, you should always find time to learn more and help your website grow.

Let’s Wrap It Up

Although it’s tricky to define how long does it take to create a website in WordPress, an average time is well-known. Our advice is to split your website building into separate phases and go through each with an attention to detail, as each step is important. We hope our tips answered your questions. If you have further doubts, feel free to write them in the comments below.

We hope this article was helpful. If you liked it, feel free to check out some of these articles as well!


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