What You Need to Start WordPress Blog – Interview with TallySchool
Whether you plan to create your first WordPress blog post or you have already grown your online business, the useful insights from experts are always welcome. In case you don’t know much about essential features that can ease your WordPress journey or need advanced tricks for improving the website traffic and revenue, this is a place to be. In this interview, Rishit Shah, an expert at TallySchool, shared his thoughts on crucial WordPress topics such as frequent WordPress mistakes and tips on improving user experience. If you’re about to start WordPress blog don’t miss out on this practical WordPress guidance.
Do you need advanced knowledge of WordPress or any other blogging platform to independently manage a website if you’re just starting your blog?
Absolutely No. You just need to have basic knowledge to start WordPress blog of your own. The main reason behind this is that you should be able to see whether WordPress will work for you or not. As you start building blog on WordPress, you will gradually learn about it. That’s the best way to learn anything.
What are the most important features of WordPress that make building a website easier?
Most important is that WordPress doesn’t require coding or programming knowledge. It only requires you to know 3-4 tech terminologies to start a website on WordPress and that makes the process much easier.
Other features that make building a website easier with WordPress
- It is open-source, constantly updated and free.
- It has thousands of free plugins and themes – therefore it helps reduce the cost.
- As it is widely used, it is available as 1 click install on all of the hosting platforms and so it is very easy to install as well. Therefore, the bottlenecks when you start WordPress blog will be reduced.
What are your favorite tips for improving the user experience on WordPress websites?
User experience differs from website to website but here are my general tips to improve the UX on WordPress websites.
- Make the process flow easier. Don’t just start WordPress blog and show blog posts on the homepage. Create a process where the user doesn’t have to make more decisions to get the information that he or she requires. For example, you can put a simple CTA on the homepage to drive the user to what he or she exactly needs.
- Make it professional. Even if it is WordPress and a small blog, it does not mean that it has to look like that. You can make a blog look like a Fortune 500 Company blog with WordPress. Do it. That increases the trust value in the user’s mind.
How many people does a blogger need in their team to maintain a WordPress blog?
A blogger alone is sufficient to maintain a WordPress blog. I have done it. But, if the person wants to build a team, he or she can have the people in the following roles.
- A Webmaster – who will manage the backend of the blog such as plugins, code, hosting and other functionalities.
- A Web Designer – who will create beautiful designs or themes for the blog and tweaks as needed.
- A Security Guy – who will look after the overall security of the blog. A webmaster can also do this if the person has the knowledge.
- An Editor – who can help edit the writings, images and other minute stuff to polish the final blog post.
What are the most frequent WordPress blogging mistakes even experienced bloggers make?
Frequent WordPress blogging mistakes are:
- Creating too many offers – we are all here to make some money out of our blogs but the less the offers the more you can focus on and the more revenue your blog will generate per offer. Keep it simple, clean and easy.
- Losing the focus – as the blog expands and more traffic comes, bloggers get too much feedback. This can be useful but it also can be harmful if not used correctly. The feedback is a stack of information and you have to pick the right information at the right time to implement on your blog, otherwise, the main focus will be lost based on which you started the blog.
Which areas of digital marketing must growing bloggers learn in order to improve their traffic and revenue?
Areas of digital marketing growing bloggers need to learn to increase their traffic and revenue are:
- Different and creative ways to build backlinks – Most important, especially after the March 2019 update by Google.
- A way to build a brand and not just a blog. This way, you can get work even from non-digital areas. For example, we recently got an opportunity to conduct a course and examinations in a college in Pune city in India because of the brand.
- Local SEO can help a lot in creating a digital presence and trust among the people.
- Learn how social media works and what social media platform is relevant for your blog. For example, TallySchool, is not on Instagram because most of our users don’t go to Instagram for getting information about us. Although, it is a good practice to reserve the handles for the future.
Why is your website the best for learning Tally software?
Our website is best for learning Tally software because we have completely simplified it so that even a student out of the commerce field (Tally is an accounting software) can understand it. You can learn through examples, posts, videos and still if you have doubts, you can contact our team or me directly online. We will reply to the comments in short notice.
The main motto of the blog is – Learn Tally in the easiest way.
What prior knowledge (if any) should a person have to attend your courses about accounting and Tally?
The entire blog is made in such a way that you just need to know how to use a computer and the internet. That’s it. No other prior knowledge required. That’s the reason, people from all backgrounds ranging from students up to accounting professionals, college professors, Chartered Accountants, etc. from age 22 to 77 have learned Tally from TallySchool.
What was your motivation for starting your own blog?
My main motivation behind starting the blog was to do something that brings me money but also helps people in the process. In other words, I want to earn money but in a way, that potential client will feel really happy to pay as well. I don’t like earning money just by grabbing it or manipulating my way out from someone.
What do you do for fun outside of work?
Well, my work is a lot of fun also. For me, there is no work. It is all fun. But when I am away from blogging, I like to play the flute, watch create videos and just joke around my family and friends.
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