What Is a Website Title and How to Write It?
Web optimization is no longer questionable. With millions of websites created each day, it’s hard to stand out and attract visitors without proper search engine optimization. In other words, a website is invisible if it’s not optimized for the web. At its core, web optimization helps search engines identify and understand your site to drive traffic to it. It also helps you boost your brand visibility – when your site is optimized right, people will easily identify your brand assets including brand name, slogan, or business niche. With all this in mind, it’s obvious that search engine optimization is crucial for your business’s success. When your site doesn’t appear in search results or it appears but misleads people, you will lose a chance to grow your client’s list and conversion rate. Only when the right people are targeted, you can generate desired results. However, to do this right, you need to pay attention to even the thinnest detail. So, always optimize your website titles and title tags. Website titles appear in search results when someone searches for a specific topic/subject, so they are the first thing someone will see. Their proper optimization is the first step in growing your website’s traffic and increasing the click-through rate. But, what is a website title?
What is a Website Title?
In short, a website title (or title tag) is an HTML element that describes the type of content on your website. It sums up the essence of your site so it should be created with special attention. Website title targets both Internet users and search engines so it’s not yet another website element you can take for granted. Firstly, people need a precise and transparent description of your site’s content, before they decide to click and enter in. On the other hand, the search engines will use your website title to check out the relevancy of your website and its content. A search engine recognizes the title of a webpage by finding it in the code where it appears on the top of an HTML or XHTML document, inside the head tag. It looks like this:
<head> <title> Your Website Title </title> </head>
The golden rule of writing a website title that works is to keep it short and simple. Keep your title within 50-60 characters and communicate only the essential message. Thus, cut the fat and stay away from descriptive, abstract messages. The good thing is you can easily change WordPress title and tagline, following your needs.
Why Is Website Title So Important?
Website titles are the first thing that will appear on the Internet so they are like road signs to your site. They inform people about what your site is about – and sum the essence and character of your site. When your website title is properly worded, people will get the wrong impression of your content. As a result, they may lose interest or even skip your site. Also, they can enter your site but leave it within seconds, once they realize they didn’t find what they are looking for.
If your website title is done right, it can attract clicks which leads to increased website traffic. So, optimizing your title for engines should always be included in your WordPress SEO strategy.
Apart from its rule in SEO, website title can be an important segment of your branding. If you want to strengthen your brand’s visibility, include your brand’s name in the title tag. People will remember it for sure.
How to Write a Good Website Title?
Now that we’ve explained what a website title is, let’s check out the best tips for creating a website title that works..
Prevent Title Truncation
The length of the website title is limited for a reason. When your title is too long to fit into the search engine’s standard pixel width, you can face the title truncation. This happens when the end of the title is being cut off and replaced with an ellipsis. As you may assume, this can harm search engine rankings, plus it looks unfinished and unprofessional. Our advice is to keep your website title within 50-60 characters for the best results.
Using All Caps is Risky
All caps have a bad reputation. They are viewed as spammy and aggressive so don’t use them in your website title. If you want to emphasize something you can capitalize by title case where the first letter of most words is capitalized. The only suitable usage of all caps in our opinion is in writing your brand’s name. So, if your website title includes your brand’s name, you can use all caps to highlight it.
Keyword Stuff Doesn’t Work
Remember this: keyword stuffing is a no-go area. Use only one keyword in your website title and stay away from keyword stuffing.
Don’t Duplicate Titles
Authentic content is key to success. This applies to website titles as well. Make sure your website title is unique and authentic since duplicate web pages harm search engine rankings. Your website title should reflect the page content but it should differentiate from other page titles on your site.
Write With User in Mind
Although website titles target both people and search engines, always write them for users, not for the search engine. In the end, user experience is far more important than search ranking.
Let’s Wrap It Up
The website title is an important segment of SEO optimization. As it’s the first thing people will see in search results, take your time and write it with care. Have in mind that incorrect and abstract titles can harm click-through rates and decrease website traffic.
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