10 Best WordPress Tutorials for Non-English Users
Want to learn more about WordPress, but even though you may have a solid knowledge of English, you find it difficult to learn in a language that is not your mother tongue and the majority of the content you find is in English?
Although English is quite dominant in the online world, as many as 66% of internet users are not native English speakers and over 50% of Google searches are not in English. That is why translation plugins are becoming more and more popular and the fact is that outside the English-speaking sphere, there is a huge market that needs to be addressed in the right way and the right language. And that’s what inspired us to come up with this list of the best websites with WordPress tutorials for non-english:

If you’re starting to learn about WordPress from zero, and Turkish is your mother tongue, then Mustafa VAROL: WordPress Uzmanı | Web Tasarım, Eğitim website may be just the perfect place to take off. It includes more than 100 free WordPress tutorials that cover every step from installing to using and upgrading WordPress core functionality. If you prefer video tutorials, a whole website section is dedicated to video tutorials only. You’ll also find useful plugin reviews as well as WP themes descriptions and many more closely related topics covered.

In case you’re running an online store, and your mother tongue is Indonesian then you’ll be glad to run across the Plugin Ongkos Kirim website’s blog page that covers a variety of topics related to running an online business, e-commerce store, and similar. You’ll also find lots of useful tips and tricks related to the technical aspects of using certain tools, plugins, and features on your website.

If you are mostly interested in web design and eager to learn more about it from an experienced professional, and you’d prefer to learn in Spanish, then Max Camuñas website is an excellent choice. The author of this site generously shares his knowledge and experience on his blog, so you can even interact and ask him questions about the topics of your interest. Not only does he share his knowledge about web design, but he also shares a lot of useful advice on all the topics related to building a successful online business.

Indonesian speakers are lucky to learn so many practical things about WordPress from Daud Wihardi. This WordPress enthusiast dedicated a whole page of his site to reviewing and summarizing the books he reads so that you can easily find the literature that will help you grow your WP knowledge. The whole concept of his website is actually based on taking notes about all things WordPress-related, but it eventually grew into a serious and rich source of quality articles that cover a wide range of WP topics from different angles.

If you are interested in WordPress lessons, one-on-one online SEO training, and WordPress training then this Turkish site may be just what you are looking for. WPOKULU is a very content-rich website that will help you start your first WordPress site from scratch. It covers all the topics related to WP in a very neat and organized manner. You can easily learn about hosting, SEO, WP plugins and themes, setting up various types of sites, etc.

The Doğucan Güler – Grafik Tasarımcı & Web Tasarımcı Turkish website is run by an experienced web designer and therefore mostly focuses on web and graphic design-related issues. But since the author is experienced in a variety of fields, you’ll also find a lot of useful content that covers topics related to online marketing and advertising, social media, branding, and similar.

The Swedish language speakers can enjoy the rich content of the Sitea Webbyrå Stockholm that will be interesting both to complete beginners and advanced users. It covers all the topics that are important for understanding and using WordPress – from hosting to online marketing and everything in between. All the tutorials are placed on a special page that is accessible in the main header menu.

Translation is a hot topic in the online world and while more and more machine translating services are available, nothing can replace a knowledgeable localization and translation expert. The author of the WPLANG: WordPress Multilingual shares a lot of useful things she picked up throughout her career as a website translator and polyglot. You’ll find plenty of useful articles about internationalization and multilingual SEO. The website itself is available in seven languages – English, German, Russian, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Turkish.

The Swedish Hillman Academy website is neat and well-structured and offers plenty of knowledge about WordPress in a variety of forms. You can choose to buy some of the online WP courses, listen to the podcast, read the blog, sign up for webinars or combine whatever type of content you find the most effective. This is a membership type of website but also offers a lot of free content related to WordPress.

Miguel Gomez, Spanish web programmer can teach you about web positioning, web development, programming, and online marketing. His blog is full of useful tips and tricks that cover a wide range of WP-related issues. The SEO field is covered especially well, and you’ll also get plenty of useful book recommendations. Free programming books are also available.

Let’s Build WordPress is a channel created with the idea to help you build a WordPress website step-by-step, without any previous experience. As an amazing source of knowledge for WordPress beginners, this channel offers detailed tutorials that don’t require any previous experience. In other words, you need zero HTML coding knowledge to understand and use these lessons. So, if you want to upgrade your knowledge with ease, this is the place to be.
We hope this article was helpful. If you liked it, feel free to check out some of these articles as well!
Mustafa N. VAROL
Very valuable for me. Thank you. ?