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What You Need to Know About WPBakery Page Builder

Tips to Get Started With WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress

WPBakery Page Builder is the most popular WordPress page builder that powers over 2 million sites worldwide and one of the best-selling plugins in 2018. This drag & drop frontend and backend editor, previously known as Visual Composer Page Builder, comes with a wide array of features that will help you create any layout you want with complete ease.

In this detailed WPBakery Page Builder article you will learn about:


Benefits and Functionalities of the WPBakery plugin

Besides the fact that it’s trusted by millions over the world, this plugin brings a wide scope of professional options. The great thing is that you can access Frontend editor or backend editor depending on your needs. This means you can choose your preferred view – either you can manage the elements with backend schematic editor or see your results live.

Great Responsiveness

If you want your website to look great on any device type or screen size, WPBakery will help you manage it easily. With it you will have full control over responsiveness. This basically means that this plugin comes with everything it takes to create a responsive website. WPBakery Page Builder Responsive Preview is available for fast and practical adjustments.

Shortcode Mapper

In a case you need to add 3rd party shortcodes to your website, and you can’t or don’t want to code, WPBakery Page Builder offers Shortcode Mapper. This is how you can edit params, values and descriptions effortlessly.

Works With Any Theme

Another amazing benefit of using this plugin is that it works with any WordPress theme. Unlike page builders made for specific themes, WPBakery Page Builder works perfectly with every theme type and every design type.

Custom Post Types Support

If you run a WordPress site you’re probably familiar with the fact that you can create custom post types. You can either do it manually or with a help of a plugin. The good thing about WPBakery Page builder is that it works with any post type, even with custom ones. Furthermore, you can control the look of every element including borders, margins, and background with just a few clicks. You can, as well, set the colors as you please.

Multi-Language and WooCommerce Support

You can’t imagine your business without a WooCommerce powered e-shop? No problem. First install WooCommerce plugin, and then manage options to fit your needs. All of the WooCommerce plugins are available in the WPBakery Page Builder Element Menu, so you can make the most of them. Also, WPBakery Page Builder is compatible with WPML plugin so you can run a website in any language you want.

Video and Parallax Background

Parallax effect is a great way to make your website content more playful and fun. So if you considering adding it to your stories, the good news is you can easily add parallax background to WPBakery Page Builder rows and columns. For the best result and captivating website look, combine video and parallax background to create more advanced layouts. Simple insert YouTube videos into row background and surprise website visitors with appealing effects.

WPBakery Plugin Installation

If you want to specifically use WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress, the first thing you need to do is to install it. Although the WPBakery plugin can’t be installed directly via the WordPress plugin directory, it can be easily done in just a few clicks.

Actually, this installation process works the same for all premium plugins that don’t build on the free plugin versions. In this case, after you purchase the desired premium plugin you will get a zip file with everything you need for a successful, stress-free installation. You don’t have to know anything about zip’s structure and its elements – all you have to do is to add it to your WordPress website. Follow these simple steps to install WordPress plugin with no effort.

  1. In your WordPress dashboard click on Plugins > Add New.
  2. Click the Upload link button (it’s placed in the upper left corner).
  3. Now, choose the zip file – find it via the button that allows you to localize it on your computer (it is located in the archive you’ve downloaded after the purchase).
  4. Click the Install Now button.
  5. Wait until the plugin is uploaded to your server.
  6. Finally, click the Activate Plugin button to proceed with the activation.

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How to Activate WPBakery Page Builder

The largest number of premium plugins (and themes as well) requires some sort of activation. This is usually done with some sort of code. Activation makes sure the paid plugin will be used only once. This step protects the authors and their hard work. Thanks to this step exclusive features and functionalities are reserved only for paid plugin versions. In other words, people who buy premium plugin can use it only for their personal needs – no one else will be able to activate the plugin.

As per the activation, it’s easy as it gets. After you install the plugin, go to the WPBakery Page builder filed on your admin dashboard. Now click on General settings.

Activate WPBakery Plugin

Here you will find the Product License button. After you click on the Activate WPBakery Page Builder, you will be taken to WPBakery Support Portal.

Product Licence WPBakery

When you purchased the license you also created your account. Now it’s time to log into that account with the required data.

Log in to support portal with your WPBakery account

Each purchase via your account is documented. If you need to buy multiple licenses (when you need to use this plugin for different sites), each license will appear on your account. Of course, if you need a WPBakery page builder for one site only, you will purchase the license once. When you have purchased multiple licenses, they will be listed in a drop-down menu (shown in the picture below). You can activate only the licenses that haven’t already been activated. To put this simply: one license – one activation.

Choose the license

Lastly, click Activate to start using the plugin.

WPBakery successfully activated

WPBakery Basic Settings

WPBakery Page Builder brings many useful features. Most of the users go with its automatic settings, but in case you have specific needs, you can further adjust the features.

As we’ve already mentioned, when you install the WPBakery plugin, you can find the WPBakery Page builder option in your admin dashboard. Here, you can find different setting options under different tubs.

We recommend you to disable the Gutenberg editor before you start using the WPBakery page builder. Go to General Settings, find the Disable Gutenberg Editor section, and mark Disable.

Disable Gutenberg when you use WPBakery plugin

Gutemberg editor activates by default after you create a new page or post in WordPress. So, make sure to disable this if you don’t want to lose time and change the editor type each time. When you disable Gutenberg, you can easily adjust other settings without distractions.

Before everything else, go to the Role Manager. Here you can set up which user roles can access your WPBakery settings, add templates, etc.

Next, don’t forget to enable the WPBakery editor for posts. After the installation, the WPBakery editor is available on your pages only. But, you will probably want to have it on your posts and product pages, especially if you run an online shop. Go to the Post Type field and click Custom. This will allow you to enable the editor whenever you want.

Role Manager tab in WPBakery

How to use WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress

WPBakery Page Builder is easy to use. It offers both a frontend and backend editor. The front-end editor is considered to be more intuitive and user-friendly. It allows you to instantly see the content you add. The backend editor is simple as well. Some users even think that the backend editor is the easier option. Choose what works best for you depending on your preferences.

Backend and Frontend editor

Some premium WordPress themes that support WPBakery page builder may only offer backend or frontend editor. The reason for this is simple. Their authors often think that one editor is enough. As they tend to develop special features for this page builder, they can block a certain editor type (frontend or backend) directly in code.

Now, let’s take a closer look at this WordPress editor. Thanks to this editor you can simply add WPBakery elements. The same principle is used in the Gutenberg page builder but here you can add different Gutenberg blocks.

If you prefer a front-end editor, you can add a new element by clicking on a + in the left upper corner. You can, as well, click on the Add element button.

Add element with frontend editor

However, if you opt for a backend editor, adding elements is almost identical.

Add element with backent editor

After you click on the Add element, all available elements will appear. Our advice is to first add the Row. When you try to add any other element first, the row will automatically appear and that element will be placed inside of the row. What is characteristic for the WPBakery page builder is the row principle. Depending on your needs, you can build the whole page in one row, or add separate elements into different rows. The second approach will allow you to organize your page much easier. That’s why we advise you to always use it.

WPBakery elements

But why do you need to place your content in Rows? The reason for this is simple. The row treats a certain group of elements as one, whole unity. So, if you need to change something in the future, it will be easier to do it through Rows. What is also characteristic for Row is the fact it has two sets of settings – General and Design options. For starters, go through these options to learn more about all the possibilities you have been given. This will help you learn how to adjust Row to meet your needs.

WPBakery row settings

Another important option you should pay attention to is the number of columns. WPBakery page builder allows you to split rows into columns in many ways.

WPBakery columns

After you choose a specific column order, you can add elements in each column separately.

Add elements in different WPBakery columns

To illustrate this better, let’s take a look at this example below. How many rows and columns do you see here? What’s the best way to create this kind of group? Let’s see.

WPBakary Rows

This example is pretty simple. It’s obvious that we have only two rows – the first has one column with a text element (headline), and the second one consists of three columns (image, and two text elements).

WPBakery Row example

In general, when you want to master a certain WordPress builder, the best way is to test it. Just add different elements and see the result after you add them to the page. Each element has specific settings so practical work is the best way to learn about everything you may want to use. Even if you make a mistake, you can easily change it, so don’t be afraid to experiment and test.

Another essential element you shouldn’t skip is a Separator element.

WPBakery separator

This element is crucial for your design as it’s used for adjusting the space between two elements. Below, you can see the first column without a separator and the other two where the separator is used. The difference is obvious.

Horizontal Separator

WPBakery Templates

WPBakery Templates, the same as Elementor templates, allow us to easily create the page. After you choose a template you can change its content or delete/add elements depending on your requirements.

WPBakery template

In this field, you can find all the available templates. Also, you can use many different templates on the same page.

Template library

What is also great is the option that allows you to save your pages or rows as templates. If you want to use these sections later, you will have them ready in one place. Also, if your page consists of the elements that repeat, you don’t have to build them every time – just find it in your template library.

To save the whole page (after you add the content), click on the field in the upper left corner of the editor, name it, and hit the Save template button.

Save page as a template

All saved templates will appear in My templates library. Here you can select the WPBakery template you want to use or delete the one you no longer need.

If you want to save Row templates, the process is identical. Every template you save can be used later and is available in the library.

Save row as a template

Let’s Wrap It Up

WPBakery Page Builder is one of the most popular WordPress editors thanks to its ease of use, powerful options, and clean interface. If you plan to use it, don’t be scared to test it and learn from experience. This editor is based on the principle of Rows and once you master their rules you can build any website element. Hope our WPBakery Page Builder tutorial was useful. Good luck with your page building!

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Comments (1)

  • Christi From Prime Slider

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