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How to Set Different WooCommerce Prices for Different Users

How to Set Different WooCommerce Prices for Different Users

Have you ever considered that not all prices in your store need to be the same? There are different types of users: retail customers, wholesale, membership, new customers, specific groups, and others. They all have different budgets and purchase abilities, which is why you may want to consider setting up different WooCommerce prices in your shop. That way, you can make the most out of sales to different customer groups – big spenders, wholesalers, B2B customers, etc.

Setting the same prices or offering similar discounts for all customers can lead your business to failure. As the owner, it’s crucial to research and execute the most effective pricing strategies to attract and retain customers. Offering special discounts and unique offers to individual customers or customer groups can help increase repeat purchases and boost customer loyalty. Don’t underestimate the power of personalized pricing!

So, setting up different prices makes sense now, but you have no idea how to do it? Don’t worry! It’s quite simple with the YayPricing – WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts plugin.

In this article, we will show you how to set WooCommerce different prices for different users.

What are WooCommerce User Roles?

Let’s first figure out WordPress user roles. A user role is a set of permissions and capabilities that determine the actions of users on a WordPress site.

Each user on your WordPress site will have a specific user role, which determines the level of access and permissions they have. As the owner of your site, you have full control and can assign user roles to other people, giving or limiting their access as needed. It’s essential to understand the different user roles available in WordPress and how they can be used to manage user accounts and control site security and access.

By default, WordPress has provided six default user roles: Super admin, admin, editor, author, contributor, and subscriber. When turning your WordPress website into a WooCommerce store, it will have more user roles, like customers and shop managers. Following this logic, you can also create new user roles in your WooCommerce store and set unique pricing for each role as you wish.

Why Set Different Prices for Different Users in WooCommerce?

Customers are the lifeblood of any business, and offering personalized pricing based on their needs and preferences can help increase customer loyalty and boost your sales. It’s important to understand the different types of customers that your business caters to and offer them unique pricing strategies that align with their interests. By doing so, you can attract more customers to your store and stand out from your competitors.

For example, when it comes to wholesale purchasing, customers can take advantage of more cost-effective prices compared to retail customers. This is particularly helpful for those who need to optimize costs and save money. In addition to meeting the demand for better pricing, the transparency and establishment of wholesale prices allow businesses to access larger purchasing partners, place larger orders, and be helpful for more stable products.

Thus, depending on the customer’s user roles, they will see the different product prices on your WooCommerce store.

How to Use YayPricing to Set Up Role-Based Pricing for WooCommerce

Merchants often think it’s hard to set different prices based on different buyer roles, but when using YayPricing features, everything will be solved in one second.

YayPricing – WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts

YayPricing is not only a plugin that lets you create different types of discounts but also helps you modify dynamic prices for your customers. This plugin will help store owners simplify the process of setting up dynamic pricing with its user-friendly interface.

With its feature, you can create specific prices for each user role by setting rules in the condition section. There are full options for your choice such as customer role, specific customer, or logged-in customer.

The free version of YayPricing can be a budget-friendly way to start your WooCommerce store. Let’s explore how to level up your store with this plugin!

3 Ways to Set Different Prices for Different Users in WooCommerce

Customers are the lifeblood of any business, and offering personalized pricing based on their needs and preferences can help increase customer loyalty and boost your sales. It’s important to understand the different types of customers that your business caters to and offer them unique pricing strategies that align with their interests. By doing so, you can attract more customers to your store and stand out from your competitors.

For example, when it comes to wholesale purchasing, customers can take advantage of more cost-effective prices compared to retail customers. This is particularly helpful for those who need to optimize costs and save money. In addition to meeting the demand for better pricing, the transparency and establishment of wholesale prices allow businesses to access larger purchasing partners, place larger orders, and be helpful for more stable products.

Thus, depending on the customer’s user roles, they will see the different product prices on your WooCommerce store.

1. Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce User Roles

Running an online store, all owners want to work with as many types of consumers as possible to catch the opportunity to grow the store. The consumers can be members, wholesale buyers, retail customers, regular customers, or even staff members. Building a good relationship with them by setting dynamic pricing will bring outstanding revenue to your store.

Let’s get started!

To set up pricing, follow our guide below:

  • Access YayPricing Setting > Product Pricing > Add Rule
  • Choose your desired campaign on a popup window
  • You can name the rule or not and choose “Bulk Pricing” in the Rule Type section
  • If you want to price for item quantity or single/variable product, the Pricing
  • Range section will help you do that.
  • Choose Pricing Type and Pricing Value to specifically set up pricing rules.

In the image below, we enable the offer: “Discount 20% for wholesale customers” and we have an amazing discount campaign for our customers.

Discount campaign for customers

Wait! Is there anything wrong with this rule? We haven’t assigned user roles yet.

Let’s slide to the Conditions tab to assign a customer role. In this section, YayPricing has some roles available for your demand, or you can create more.

Then, don’t forget to click “save” to activate the rule!

Now, your Wholesale Customers will be discounted 20% when purchasing any products in your store.

Customer role for discount

It’s pretty easy to set up, right?

2. Special Pricing for Specific Customers

Similarly, when it comes to running a business, there are some strategies the owner uses to directly interact with customers, which is always a great way to increase customer acquisition. These strategies may include discount pricing for customers who win a minigame on social media, who leave positive feedback, new customers who submit emails to get the promotion from your store, and much more.

If you want to personalize the shopping experience and encourage customer loyalty, the first thing you should do is get their information.

For example, the birthday of one of your existing customers is coming up and you want to celebrate it with a discount. To do that, you give them a 30% discount to purchase products in your store.

With YayPricing plugin, you can quickly set up this program in a few simple steps:

  • Add a new rule to activate
  • Setting up a 30% Percentage Discount without assigning it to any product
  • You can set a usage limit or schedule for this rule to foster purchase behavior
Special Pricing for Specific Customers

Next, move to the Conditions section to choose the specific customer. You can add a list of customers by manually selecting them.

Conditions section to choose the specific customer

Once you save the rule, this person will receive an announcement about this promotion, and when they purchase products in your store, a discount will be automatically applied.

3. Discount Based on Purchase History

Another method to grow your store is to encourage repeat purchases. The easiest way to do that is to give different prices to customers who have purchased already before. This not only shows your gratitude to them but also makes them feel happy and want to come back again.

For instance, you give a discount of $10 to customers who have purchased more than 10 orders. Similar to the above, this rule is also easy to set up.

In the user interface of Product Pricing tab, choose Fixed Discount in the Pricing type and put $10 for the Pricing value.

Discount Based on Purchase History

The last step for this promotion to take effect is to activate the conditions as shown below.

Activate the discount conditions

Remember to save this rule!

Now your regular customers can purchase the next order with a $10 discount. This will be a wonderful gift to show your gratitude to customers.


It can be said that pricing is both an art and a science, requiring experimentation combined with an intuitive sense of how you want your brand and products to be perceived by customers.

In addition to explaining the benefits, this article has provided clear instructions on how to set different prices for different users with YayPricing.

Remember that how you treat your customers determines whether your store can retain them and keep them coming back. You can only do that when you put yourself in the mind of the consumer before you start your pricing strategy.

We hope our article will be useful for the growth of your store!

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