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What Is the WordPress Admin Dashboard

When you login to your WordPress website, the first thing you see is a WordPress admin dashboard. This area has an assortment of widgets that give an overview of your website. In other words, this is your WordPress control panel area.

In this article we will introduce you to different parts contained within WordPress admin dashboard and all that you can do with them.


The first thing that comes into view once you go to Dashboard area are various widgets displayed in the main part of your screen. Some of these widgets are: At a Glance, Quick Draft, Activity, WordPress News, and Statistics.


At a Glance

In this section, you can see an overall view of the numbers of all your published pages, comments and posts. Clicking on any of the links provided in here will lead you to the specific screen. Once you’re there, you will be able to inspect and manage all the content in more detail.

At the bottom you can also see the latest version of WordPress together with the theme that is currently active on your website.

Quick Draft

This useful widget provides you with a mini post editor where you can quickly write, save and publish new post from admin dashboard. Also included are Title and Save Draft buttons. So go ahead, try and type something out!


This widget in particular gives you access to plenty of practical information. It includes a list of most recent comments and posts, as well as scheduled posts that will be posted soon. Every post title or comment notification displayed in Activity area also contains a link that will lead you to said content and allow you to modify it as you please.

Moreover, in Recent Comments section, you can hover the mouse over every comment. This action will make different options appear on the screen. You can approve, disapprove or edit comment, reply to the commenter, as well as delete or mark comment as spam.

WordPress Events and News

With WordPress News widget, you will be able to check out the latest news that come from official WordPress blog. This includes information such as updates, latest software version, alerts, and all other WordPress related news.


If you have any additional e-commerce plugin installed in your WordPress, such as Woocommerce plugin, you will have additional widget area that will display all the statistics related to this plugin. Namely, in the Woocommerce widget area, you will be able to see the status of your monthly net sales, number of orders that are on hold or await processing, as well as number of products low in stock and out of stock.

Dashboard Menu

Another important area on your Dashboard is the navigation menu located on the left side of your screen. This area is packed with options such as posts, media, pages, comments, appearance, plugins, users, tools and settings.


However, depending on the theme or additional plugin that you have installed, you might see a few other items displayed in this area as well. For example, if you have Woocommerce plugin installed, then two additional options in the dashboard menu will include WooCommerce and Products option.

Last but not least, in the upper right corner of your screen you will see two options named Screen Options and Help.

Your dashboard area has different sorts of widgets that you can choose whether you want to display or not. Therefore, once you click on Screen Options tab, a check box will appear that will allow you to select which widgets you want shown.

In addition, Help tab opens up links to Dashboard Documentation and WordPress Support Forums.

So, these are all the basics of WordPress Admin Dashboard and its features. By knowing how to operate Admin panel and deal with common admin dashboard issues, you have the ultimate control over your website content at any given moment.

Now that you learned every nook and cranny of WordPress Admin dashboard, feel free to go ahead and explore. Monitor the latest comments added to your blog, manage posts, read about what’s hot in the WordPress world, or type a quick post to your blog readers. Your choices are limitless!

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